"Since 1907, Nikkeijin Kai of Colorado has been serving Japanese and Japanese Americans in Colorado. Nikkeijin Kai of Colorado was the first Japanese association in Colorado, boasting 639 members in 1909. The organization first started a response to growing anti-Japanese sentiments among labor unions and because of the quick action of the organization, it prevented serious development of anti-Japanese sentiment."
- Bill Hosakawa, Colorado’s Japanese Americans

About Us

Our Purpose
To foster American ideals of democracy and the practices for good citizenship; to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitutions of the State of Colorado; to stove for the elimination of prejudice, ignorance, and discrimination because of race, color, creed, ancestry or parentage; to promote the cultural heritage of Japanese Americans in the United State and in Colorado; to enhance the image and status of persons of Japanese American background; to provide for the welfare and well-being of persons of Japanese ancestry; to promote active participation in civic and national life; and to secure justice, equal opportunity and equal treatment of person of Japanese ancestry in the uNites State, and particularly in the State of Colorado, as well as for all American, to the end that all people can live in peace and harmony in their respective communities.
Nikkeijin Kai’s goal is to improve and maintain the general welfare of the people of Japanese ancestry in the State of Colorado so that they can participate more fully in American society without losing their unique identity and shall be secure in their daily lives.
Nikkeijin Kai’s objective is to protect the rights of the people of Japanese ancestry in the State of Colorado. To provide mutual assistance among people and organization and maintain the welfare of the Nikkei community in Colorado. To promote respect for and recognition of the rich cultural heritage and unique identity of the Japanese people among the general public. To develop and project a more positive image of the Japanese people and to uphold the public image of high morality. To promote goodwill and friendship between the countries of Japan and the United States and their peoples.
Meaning behind the name:
Nikkeijin Kai
日系人 Nikkeijin - Japanese immigrants and their descendants
会 Kai - association/organization
Minoru Tagawa
Katrina Yoshida
1st Vice President
Shigeo Kimura
2nd Vice President
Calvin Hada
Board Member
Kerry Hada
Board Member
Hiro Hansen
Board Member
Pat M. Hayashi
Board Member
Dennis Kitayama
Board Member
Cindy Kondo
Board Member
Tom Migaki
Board Member
Kara Miyagishima
Board Member
Jolie Noguchi
Board Member
Courtney Ozaki
Board Member
Seiji Tanaka
Board Member
Marge Taniwaki
Board Member